Most of the material on Encounter Depot is free for your use. But it takes a lot of hours to produce. So if you would like to help support this site and help getting more material produced – consider supporting Encounter Depot.

Joining my Kickstarter
The best way to support me making more stuff for your game, is to join the kickstater. This will give you a cool calender and/or journal with 365 questions for your character, and help me make more free material for the webpage. You can read more here.

Buying t-shirts and merchandize from our shop
You can also support us by buying things from our shop. The t-shirts, mug etc. with prints are our own unique designs that you won’t find anywhere else.

Check out the shop..


All kinds of support are appreciated. So if you like what you read, download, use – please help the site grow by:

  • Participating in the discussions on site – comment on the posts
  • Liking, commenting and sharing my posts on social media – tell your friends
  • Giving reviews where you can. This can be on my products, or my pages
  • Messages of support
  • Share pics, stories etc. with the community, here and on social media,
    or contact me with ideas of what you’d like to see.